Well, it's been a wee while since I updated my blog so I thought tonight I'd get that sorted. It's been a fairly busy couple of weeks. Last week we took the van to the caravan site at New England Bay down Stranraer way. We had fairly good weather. Sunny most days but fairly breezy pretty much all of the time. We really just bummed about the van and took Lucy for walks along the beach. Lucy had a super time, playing with The Zinger and chasing the waves as the tide was coming in and going out. Now Lucy found this chasing waves game really, really, really good fun, catching the wave and swallowing as much as possible. Even better was to chase the waves with The Zinger in her mouth, and catch the wave without losing The Zinger. She had a whale of a time. Unfortunately while playing the chasing the waves game, she put The Zinger down in the water and it's now floating around Luce Bay! Oh well, I guess some other we doggie has got a new toy and is enjoying playing with Lucy's Zinger!
I read three books while we were away. Charles Street by Danielle Steele (it was ok, not one of her best efforts), Untied which is Meredith Baxter's autobiography (interesting) and the Stephen King book of short stories (it was ok but I've read better). So, basically we had pretty much of a chillin' in the breeze sort of week. I did enjoy the occasional glass of wine.
I'm working on the planning and organising for my birthday BBQ on the 13th. I just hope it's not too windy and that it doesn't rain! Sarah's making my birthday cake and I'm really excited about that and can't wait to see what she comes up with. Mike is being ever so organised about my pressie this year. He's already been out and bought me TWO pressies. AND I didn't have to order them online myself. I know what both pressies are and I'm really, really pleased with them both. We were through at Costco the other day to check prices of burgers and stuff and I've bought lots of paper plates and plastic tumblers and stuff. I'm really looking forward to the BBQ and I just hope we remember to check out that it works ok. So it's starting to become organised.
It's been a busy week this week. Today a I met up with one of my friends from Lloyds (Lesley, who does my annual Christmas cards and jewellery party) at Frankie & Benny's in South Queensferry for some lunch. I was really good and DIDN'T order pepperoni pizza and I DIDN'T have a sweet. Mind you, I did have a LARGE glass of wine. We had a nice lunch and a nice catch-up chat. It was good to see her.
On Friday I'm meeting up with Irene, who's home from Spain for a few weeks. We're going to catch-up over a morning of coffee and retail therapy. Should be a pleasant few hours. I may even buy myself a new pair of shoes and a new handbag. It'll be nice to see Irene again cos I haven't seen her for a while.
Well guys, it's half 10 so I'm heading off to bed. So g'night all!
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