A lot has been going on lately. We've had 70th birthday BBQ, 70th birthday special lunch out, several visits to my sister, Fiona, who's just moved house. Off to see Brucie boy (Springsteen, not Forsyth), had a few days away in the van (hoping to get away again sometime over the next couple of months), had many lunches out, retail therapy trips, lots of time in my summerhouse. Also, The Goldie Girls, once again, raised funds for Cancer Research UK by taking part in the Race for Life in Falkirk. Unfortunately we were a much smaller Goldie Girls group this year. Valerie, Monica and myself accompanied by Waffle and Zorro. Lucy stayed home but may join me next year.
There have been lots of babysitting duties (always enjoyable) and lots of watching kids tv (always enjoyable!!!).
Mickey seems to be over his tummy troubles, so that's good. Lucy's wee skin problem flared up again. We think it's made worse by the stress of anniversaries (spooky spirits abound in our house) when she seems particularly sensitive to unseen things. However, this latest flare up is responding very well to the treatment that the vet (Lucy <3 Richard) has given her although vet thinks that she'll probably need ongoing monthly / quarterly maintenance doses.
Moon~Over~Water Facebook page has been started, and most mornings I select a card for the day and then post it on the page, with the basic meaning for the card. I then write it up in my little 'Card for the Day' strawberry notebook. Once all the Zen cards have been selected, then I'll start selecting from another pack of tarot cards.
The Circle is still running, although there's been a bit of a slowdown due to holidays etc. If anyone is interested in coming along, just let me know. New members are always welcome.
Exciting news is that I have tickets to see Tony Stockwell at the end of August, and we have pretty good seats! EXCITED!!!
I've also been doing a wee meditation course, which I've been thoroughly enjoying. I do like my mornings in the summerhouse. A chance to relax and meditate, then select my card for the day, chillout with Mickey and Lucy and then have a leisurely breakfast.
Treasures by Isobel is still working away in the background there. Still have the Facebook page, but not updated in a while. However, I have ideas for new products so it will be updated in the foreseeable future. I have a couple of craft fairs in the pipeline so will post photos of them on the FB page. I've started work in my website for Treasures, but it's been a bit beyond me so it's very been very slow going.
So, I've had lots of time in the summerhouse, working on various ideas and hopefully getting a new perspective and a new focus / direction in my journey through my Purple Years.
Shootin' the Breeze will be updated more regularly ... happy reading all!
Bye for now ........