Lucy looking pretty

Lucy looking pretty
Aren't I a sweet wee lass?

Saturday, 23 June 2012

June goin' into July

Well, summertime seems to be remaining pretty elusive this year, which is a bit of a pity. When I retired at the end of 2010 I had beautiful visions of calm, warm sunny days spent walking the dog/s and pottering around the garden. Well, in truth that has happened on a few occasions but it would be rather nice if it happened with a bit more regularity rather than on the odd occasion. Ah well, c'est la vie! We had a nice weekend last weekend when we were celebrating our Silver Wedding Anniversary. We had a couple of lunches out with family and with friends. We went to Frankie & Benny's with the family on the Friday and on the Monday (our actual anniversary) we went to the Melville Inn out at Lasswade with friends and had a beautiful meal and of course a little bottle of wine.

 Now on to dog walking tales! As Mickey has been a bit naughty when he's been out on his walks lately we've been selective about where we've been taking them. Yesterday we took them up to Bankton Mains where naughty Mickey headed off to splash about in a puddle. Unfortunately this puddle came right up to his shoulders and was more like a small loch. He had a great time splashing around with a look of absolute glee on his face. Little Mr Bright Eyes unfortunately decided to leave his ring at the deepest part of his little loch. This was fine but the ring sunk and he wouldn't put his head down into the water to retrieve it. Fortunately I had on my trusty wellies and headed off into the water to get the ring. I was pretty dismayed when I realised how deep the water was and I had to go very carefully in order to ensure my feet remained dry. The water came to within an inch or so of the top of my wellies. Needless to say, we took them to a different field today!

 I'm getting back into the family history research and am delighted that I managed to track down a copy of a book published around 1916 which has photos of The Goldie Boys in it. I tracked down a copy of the book that was for sale in Michigan. It's in reasonable condition considering it's 96 years old!

 I'm also planning on clearing out wardrobes today and tomorrow and plan on trying to put some of the stuff up for sale on eBay. At least that's the plan. If it turns out to be too technical for me I'll just put the stuff into a local charity shop.

 I've got plans to sort out an area in the house that I can use for making jewellery etc. I'm planning on having all the bits and pieces in one place so that I don't have to gather everything together before I start working on anything. I've got a few craft fairs booked for autumn time so I'd better get things organised pretty smartish! I had hoped to do some jewellery making in the summerhouse but the weather hasn't been mild enough to spend too long out there and as its been overcast a lot of the time it's been too dark to work there.

 I've been getting my dancing shoes on again and have been going to a line dancing group. I'm enjoying it even if I've discovered I have two left feet! Oh wait, I already discovered that when I went to tap dancing classes a couple of years ago!!!

 I've also got some grand plans for doing some dressmaking and suchlike but I'll keep that for the next blog. Don't forget to comment on my blog. It's always encouraging to know that someone, somewhere is reading my ramblings.

Please also become a follower of my Shootin' the Breeze blog!

Bye for now ...............

Friday, 8 June 2012

Watch this space .............................

Well, just thought I'd update you all on what I've been up to lately.  Aside from being the domestic goddess extraordinaire, and clearing out cupboards and suchlike, I've been working on my little business venture. I'm also planning on sorting / decluttering the wardrobes again. I've had some sweaters and stuff stored in those vacuum storage bags for about a year or so and never worn them. Clearly I never will, so I'll either donate to the charity shop or may even venture into the selling world that is eBay.  I've only ever bought stuff on eBay, never sold anything, so I may well give it a go. 

Talking about donating to charity. I didn't realise that lots of those charity bags that you get through the door are actually from companies that don't really pass any or much cash on to the charities, and in some cases the stuff is recycled by the business who collects the bags. Which means that they're taking my stuff and instead of the cash going to charity, it goes straight into the coffers of the company collecting the bags. So, I now arrange with a local charity shop for their van to call in and collect the stuff. That way I know that the money will go to the charity.

I've been working on various ideas for jewellery etc, and am also going to try my hand at some lariat-style beaded belts. I've got some pretty beads which I think will be ideal for this little project. 

I'm also going to try my hand at doing a few crochet-style little scarves. Nothing quite as fancy as Arlene is doing, but well, I'll give it a try. 

I've booked a couple of craft fairs for October and November time, so I really need to get started on doing some more handbag charms, pretty little keyrings and stuff.  Nearer the time I'll give you all details and you can come along and support me! I've got some pretty charms already made, but I'll need to have quite a lot more ready for October.

I'm still trying to sort out a web page and the Facebook page, but sadly it's still all a bit beyond my techie capabilities, but no doubt I'll get it all sorted out. Ideally I'll have it all sorted out in time for the fairs. I'm hopeful that the two November ones could be successful as they're both being publicised at Christmas Fairs.  

I'm watching a programme on TV whilst I'm sitting typing this. The programme is all about haunted locations in Britain.  Perhaps I should tell them about the experience I had in a travel inn a couple of years ago when someone (oooh or SOMETHING!) kept tugging at the quilt during the night as I lay in bed attempting to sleep but kept being wakened up by the tugging. Oooh spooky! 

I must see if I can drum up some interest in card readings. I haven't had any bookings for quite a while, and I do miss doing readings. If anyone would like a card reading, let me know and we can get it sorted.  

I do wish that the weather would improve a bit. I've still got dreams of sitting out in the summherhouse doing some writing, making jewellery or just relaxing and meditating. We get a couple of nice days, and then the morning I decide to get up early and go sit in the summerhouse with my morning cuppa, it turns cold and wet and that puts paid to my chillin' out plans.

So, that's what I've been up to. Still livin' the dream and walking the puppies each day.  Mickey was a bit of a rascal yesterday and was crashing about through bushes and stuff, having a fine old time for about 45 minutes. It was really funny to watch cos all you could see was the moving bushes, swaying to the tempo of the crashin' around Mickey! He was all bright and perky but absolutely knackered when we got him home. We then had to go out for a while and when we got back home he was a bit limpydan and had to have an early dinner of leftover fish'n'chips so that we could give him his painkiller. Silly billy boy ... he was much better today, but we took him up to Bankton Mains so that he was running about on a relatively flat field, rather than crashing about on steep hilly ground.  LucyLu was a little angel yesterday and she got to see her beloved petsitter extraordinaire, Caroline. 

I treated myself to a visit to the podiatrist the other day.  Partly to sort out the huge blister I got during the Race for LIfe, but also to get my feet into summer sandal prettyness (can feet ever be pretty???).  Anyway, my feet feel good and the podiatrist was thrilled to have seen her first fallen metatarsal head. Apparently in all the years she's been a podiatrist, she's never seen a fallen metatarsal head. She was very excited ......... some people have such a sad life, dontcha think?

I've also been for an eye test and am collecting me new spectacles on Monday.  I'm really looking forward to getting my new specs, cos I'm really pretty fed up with my old ones. I always wonder why opticians think that just because your prescription has hardly changed, you don't want new glasses! So I'll get my new specs on Monday!

Anyways, it's getting late now and it's time for my bedtime cuppa so, I guess that's about all for now ... hope you're all still enjoying my blog.